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Girls Gone Green Lending a Hand (1/6/2017) - Here at Girls Gone Green, we know that having a clean home is important. When your home is clean, organized and smelling fresh life just seems better. We also know that when life gets busy keeping up on this is not a top priority. Especially when other aspects of your life are stressful, the added […]
Santa’s Little Green Clean Helpers (12/12/2016) - Gandhi said “ Be the change in the world you want to see” this quote resonates with Girls Gone Green because we believe every action we take impacts the world around us. We consistently make choices that are creating change in the world. Girls Gone Green support local, eco-friendly products and always make conscious efforts […]
D.I.Y Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products (11/24/2016) - Girls Gone Green is always looking for new and fun ways to clean. We have had the opportunity to test and create many different types of  eco-friendly cleaning products. Through the trial of different products and, recipes we have been able to find what works best! These D.I.Y products are used everyday cleaning homes throughout Canmore, Calgary, and […]
Scrubbing Toilets Can be Refreshing and Enjoyable (11/7/2016) -     Being an eco-friendly cleaning service is something we are incredibly passionate about here at Girls Gone Green. I was cleaning a house with a new team member in Canmore AB taking in the breath-taking views of the mountains, and she stated “wow it’so nice to clean toilet’s with your cleaner, it smells like […]